#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
https://safety.antiwarcoalition.art LIVE at zkm now :-) please join in person the concert starting at 17.30!
Susanne Kriemann
Dear people of this group! here is the invitation to an amazing concert this Friday at ZKM! This concert is played here yet live-transmitted to Kharkiv in Ukraine, therefor it takes place rather early and does not collide with the students's party at HfG thereafter. Please share it!
Susanne Kriemann
manuel_sekou bravo!!!
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
We are at staedtischegalerie opening with a guided tour by vanessabosch
Susanne Kriemann
Dear All at 4 PM we have soft opening at Staedtische Galerie! please come we have drinks and
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Dear All at 4 PM we have soft opening at Staedtische Galerie! please come we have drinks and
Susanne Kriemann
Dear students, Here is the link for Michael Marder's lecture: https://bbb.hfg-karlsruhe.de/b/sei-hkx-jo5-rtt In case you join us in person, please find us in ROOM 112 Bests, Susanne and Seiji
Susanne Kriemann
Dear all, today, Tuesday 14th at 10.30 Dr Martina Klose of KIT will give a presentation of her research on mineralogical dust in the frame of the “Dusting Seminar”… it takes place in 101 and will be held in englisch… if someone is wondering about Sahara dust please you are welcome to join this talk … best wishes, Susanne
Susanne Kriemann
Dear all, please note this amazing programm at Badischer Kunstverein! Soon!
Susanne Kriemann
more information @hydromedia and hydromedia.org
Susanne Kriemann
Alina Schmuch, Arja Hop & Peter Svenson, Jiajia Qi, Luiz Zanotello will stay the month of April in Karlsruhe, they will work at HfG in 101 and in the 3rd floor! hope we will soon meet!
Susanne Kriemann
Dear all, hallo Alumni! Here is a call by Kunstbüro. Please consider or / and spread the word!
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann