#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
Invitation workshop - still some places left 7-8.2 (register: ksobel@hfg-karlsruhe.de) In the workshop, we will work on the figure of ‘The Voyeur’, its notion of the passive and active aspects of looking, viewing, and gazing as acts of empowerment and resistance from Western perspectives of the South Caucasus. Through visual culture we look at the structure of the gaze and its effects, we analyze how we can problematize standard(ized) ways of (gendered) looking. Together with invited artists from Tbilisi, we will share insights on themes such as post-communist and post-soviet contexts of art, architecture and counter-art practices, artivism, feminism, and LGBTQIA movements, activism, and (democratic) struggles in Georgia, with an outlook toward Eurasian (artistic) identities that question dominant western norms and visually oriented media societies. Practical workshop involves performative, movement, and visual exercises. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Public Progra…
Invitation workshop - still some places left 7-8.2 (register: ksobel@hfg-karlsruhe.de) In the workshop, we will work on the figure of ‘The Voyeur’, its notion of the passive and active aspects of looking, viewing, and gazing as acts of empowerment and resistance from Western perspectives of the South Caucasus. Through visual culture we look at the structure of the gaze and its effects, we analyze how we can problematize standard(ized) ways of (gendered) looking. Together with invited artists from Tbilisi, we will share insights on themes such as post-communist and post-soviet contexts of art, architecture and counter-art practices, artivism, feminism, and LGBTQIA movements, activism, and (democratic) struggles in Georgia, with an outlook toward Eurasian (artistic) identities that question dominant western norms and visually oriented media societies. Practical workshop involves performative, movement, and visual exercises. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Public Programm on 7.2 starts at 6 pm At blauer Salon at HFG (Lorenzstrasse 15). There will be a panel discussion with Natia Chkvaidze and Georgi Rodionov about situation of artists in Georgia and the democratic struggles followed by tasing of Georgian specialiteis and screening of short movies. In cooperation with: UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe & UNESCO City of Media Arts Tbilisi, Georgia, Embrace Platform, Untitled Tbilisi, Plasm Platform, founded by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Natia Chikvaidze co-founder of Plasm Platform, dancer, performer, choreographer, working on post-soviet trauma and female bodies. Natia Chikvaidze graduated from Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi School of Choreography and Ecole Supérieure de Danse de Cannes (France). As a dancer she worked with Cannes Jeune Ballet (France), Campanie Linga and Ballet d’Europe (Marseille, France),Aalto Ballet Theatre in Essen (Germany), Kamea Dance Company in Israel. She has worked with such famous choreographers as Tamir Ginz, Itzik Galili, Sharon Eyal and Ohad Naharin and Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. She works as a choreographer, dancer and teacher in Georgia and across Europe. Giorgi Rodionov is a media artist and curator. With a multidisciplinary approach to artistic expression, he does performance, photography, participative art, drawings, podcasts, 3D art, art books, and storytelling. Giorgi’s practice delves into themes of identity struggles, migration, queer issues, and the evolution of new forms of existence. Giorgi's art is deeply rooted in personal experiences. His main focus remains on the South Caucasus region, which he sees as a symbolic crossroad of diversity. In 2019, Giorgi founded untitled tbilisi, an art space dedicated to promoting collaboration among artists and art activists from the South Caucasus region.
Is someone in the hfg randomly and can open Šimon and me the door we are standing in front of the big entrance :D
Also today at 2PM 16mm short films from the 16mm Seminar will be shown in Blauer Salon! Come and Join!
Omsk Social Club Game takes place in 103 today, not big studio!
Hi there! The workshop with Omsk social club is in 323!(next to ausleihe)
Next Friday! A day full of archival practices!
Spam: Falls jemand auf der Suche ist oder jemanden kennt: WG mit Garten, Terasse, möbliert und befristet! https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11523184.html
Hey People, You are warmly invited to attend the colloquium *today at *18:10* in room 103. On this occasion, *Stina**Hellmann* will be presenting . We sincerely thank her for her willingness to share her insights, and we are very much looking forward to her presentation and the subsequent discussion. We hope to see you there and would love your participation! Best regards, Alejandra
Hey People, You are warmly invited to attend the colloquium this Wednesday at 5:30 PM in room 103. On this occasion, Stina Hellmann will be presenting . We sincerely thank her for her willingness to share her insights, and we are very much looking forward to her presentation and the subsequent discussion. We hope to see you there and would love your participation! Best regards, Alejandra
Today some students from Stuttgart will visit hfg and zkm, if you feel like joining a tour through the fellow traveler exhibition at zkm - please come 11:30am to infotheke/mint cafe 🛸
Today - TuesdaY 12 NOV - 14:00-16:30 - Special Guest Kathy Rae Huffman will join Manifestly Media - online! A visual overview of the development of networking practice, Huffman has examples to the question that is often asked, ‘How did we do this before the Internet?’ This presentation will answer some of your questions.
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann