#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Stay tuned for details on /* Contesting the present storm: Surviving is more than not dying. Aesthetic praxis and the defense of life */ David Muñoz-Alcántara in dialog with Alistair Hudson Wednesday 19 June HfG Lichtbridge 19:00 Lorenzstr. 15, Karlsruhe

I would love to join! but the Radio-Choreography opening is on the same evening at the Kunstverein!


Dear students, There are still places available for the next introduction to the photo studio. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following days: 29 May, 30 May, 31 May, 01 June and 03 June There are separate dates for KD and ADSZ students from the first two semesters. Think about what you want to photograph in the photo studio, for example your own artistic work, your own product or a portrait. Bring a photo you have taken in which light plays a central role. Also choose one of the following topics for a 20-minute presentation: - Focal length, what focal length for what situation, lens types, Marko + magnification - Buttons and keys on the DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 - Autofocus DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 (measuring fields, cross sensors, manual focussing, sectional image indicator, Live View and face recognition etc.) - Broncolor flash system (light shaper, light quality), light setting for portrait and product photography - Light meter (model: Gossen Vario F): light measuremen…

Dear students, There are still places available for the next introduction to the photo studio. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following days: 29 May, 30 May, 31 May, 01 June and 03 June There are separate dates for KD and ADSZ students from the first two semesters. Think about what you want to photograph in the photo studio, for example your own artistic work, your own product or a portrait. Bring a photo you have taken in which light plays a central role. Also choose one of the following topics for a 20-minute presentation: - Focal length, what focal length for what situation, lens types, Marko + magnification - Buttons and keys on the DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 - Autofocus DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 (measuring fields, cross sensors, manual focussing, sectional image indicator, Live View and face recognition etc.) - Broncolor flash system (light shaper, light quality), light setting for portrait and product photography - Light meter (model: Gossen Vario F): light measurement, object measurement, zone system (see Ansel Adams), exposure measurement in the camera (spot, integral measurement, etc.) Write to us by 6pm tomorrow evening ( if you would like to take part. Please only register if you have time to take part on all days and send us your telephone number. Best regards Eisenhart and Quirin


Liebe Studierende, Es gibt Restplätze für die nächste Einführung ins Fotostudio. Sie findet von jeweils 10-17 Uhr an folgenden Tagen statt: 29. Mai, 30. Mai, 31.Mai, 01. Juni und 03. Juni Für die KD- und ADSZ-Studierenden aus den ersten beiden Semestern gibt es noch einmal separate Termine. Überlegt euch, was ihr im Fotostudio fotografieren wollt, zum Beispiel eine eigene künstlerische Arbeit, ein eigenes Produkt oder ein Porträt. Bringt ein Foto mit, das ihr gemacht habt, bei dem Licht eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Sucht euch außerdem eines der folgenden Themen für ein 20-minütiges Referat aus: - Brennweite, welche Brennweite für welche Situation, Objektivarten, Marko + Abbildungsmaßstab - Knöpfe und Tasten an der DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 - Autofokus DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 ( Mesfelder, Kreuzsensoren, manuel Fokussieren, Schnittbildindikator, Live View und Gesichtserkennung usw.) - Blitzanlage Broncolor (Lichtformer, Lichtqualität), Licht setzten für Portrait und Produktfotografie - Belic…

Liebe Studierende, Es gibt Restplätze für die nächste Einführung ins Fotostudio. Sie findet von jeweils 10-17 Uhr an folgenden Tagen statt: 29. Mai, 30. Mai, 31.Mai, 01. Juni und 03. Juni Für die KD- und ADSZ-Studierenden aus den ersten beiden Semestern gibt es noch einmal separate Termine. Überlegt euch, was ihr im Fotostudio fotografieren wollt, zum Beispiel eine eigene künstlerische Arbeit, ein eigenes Produkt oder ein Porträt. Bringt ein Foto mit, das ihr gemacht habt, bei dem Licht eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Sucht euch außerdem eines der folgenden Themen für ein 20-minütiges Referat aus: - Brennweite, welche Brennweite für welche Situation, Objektivarten, Marko + Abbildungsmaßstab - Knöpfe und Tasten an der DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 - Autofokus DSLR Canon 5d mark 4 ( Mesfelder, Kreuzsensoren, manuel Fokussieren, Schnittbildindikator, Live View und Gesichtserkennung usw.) - Blitzanlage Broncolor (Lichtformer, Lichtqualität), Licht setzten für Portrait und Produktfotografie - Belichtungsmesser (Modell: Gossen Vario F): Lichtmessung, Objektmessung, Zonensystem (vgl. Ansel Adams), Belichtungsmessung in der Kamera (Spot-, Integralmessung usw.) Schreibt uns bis morgen Abend 18 Uhr (, wenn ihr teilnehmen wollt. Meldet euch bitte nur an, wenn ihr an allen Tagen Zeit habt teilzunehmen und schickt uns eure Telefonnummer- Viele Grüße Eisenhart und Quirin


Hello , if anyone is interested from tommorow online on the Tehran Summit. Here is pdf info and Registration link:

Susanne Kriemann

Dear all, today, Tuesday 14th at 10.30 Dr Martina Klose of KIT will give a presentation of her research on mineralogical dust in the frame of the “Dusting Seminar”… it takes place in 101 and will be held in englisch… if someone is wondering about Sahara dust please you are welcome to join this talk … best wishes, Susanne

s seiji

Hi! Is someone at Hfg? The door is locked.

Dear all, tomorrow is Mayday, 1st of May, Workers Day. If anyone (students, staff and lecturers) are in the mood to join an immaterial workers demonstration please come at 10h in the room 103. We will collectively prepare a score for an immaterial work demonstration. If it will be an immaterial score is of course debatable. Looking forward, best wishes, Filipa

Susanne Kriemann

Dear all, please note this amazing programm at Badischer Kunstverein! Soon!


Next week from Monday to Friday (April 22-26, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) there will be an introduction to the black and white darkroom led by Eveline Kulik. You can register by email at until tomorrow at 6 p.m. Please include your telephone number and your department in the registration email. There are 6 places. Students working on their diploma or pre-diploma will be given preference. Also mentions this in the email. For the workshop you should bring developed black and white negatives - ideally larger negatives, such as 6x6 or 5x4, but also 35mm. You will learn the basics of working in the photo laboratory and will create a laboratory notebook during the week. You will receive proof of basic knowledge for successfully participating in the workshop. Only get in touch if you have time on all 5 days.

Susanne Kriemann

more information @hydromedia and

Susanne Kriemann

Alina Schmuch, Arja Hop & Peter Svenson, Jiajia Qi, Luiz Zanotello will stay the month of April in Karlsruhe, they will work at HfG in 101 and in the 3rd floor! hope we will soon meet!


Guten Tag, die Rudolf Augstein Stiftung schreibt zum zweiten Mal das bundesweite und spartenübergreifende Mentoring-Programm re:balance – Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in den Künsten aus. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie die Ausschreibung an die Studierenden und Absolvent*innen Ihrer Hochschule weiterleiten. Falls Sie über Social Media, Ihren Newsletter oder Ihre Webseite auf das Programm aufmerksam machen möchten, nutzen Sie gerne unser Bildmaterial. Ausschreibung als PDF: Bildmaterial:

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If you are interested in Photobooks I want to recommend you this workshop or at least the lecture on the 22.10. The person who comes is a photo book freak Eisenhart told me, so it will be interesting


Would be happy to see some of you C: (Poster by Maïmouna Diop)

Susanne Kriemann

annedukheejordan #helinulas #digitalarts

Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Tonight! 20.30 at Schlosslichtspiele, please have a look at this program by #antiwarcoalition

Susanne Kriemann

Dear all! Tonight there is a special film programm at Schlosslichtspiele! Organized by #antiwarcoalition and in solidarity with “sense of safety” exhibition in Kharkiv the program is absolutely special and I hope you can be there to see these films!


Opening here tonight - "Between Dreams and Reality" with Media Art is Here from the UNESCO City of Karlsruhe ✨ 
Come by!

Susanne Kriemann

For those in Berlin this Friday, please join Dominique hurth and me for the opening of our duo show at Galerie Bernau in Bernau near Berlin… August 16th, from 6 pm, Galerie Bernau!



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Saturday, July 20, 2024
Schützenstrasse 37, Karlsruhe
You are warmly invited to a shared iced enjoyment, which will be a celebration of sorts allowing us to refresh collectively, lick into nostalgia (wonder if it is nourishing), shave ice-scapes, treat sores, sense new flavors, freeze thoughts, and melt in love. Starting at 6pm (~melted~)

Susanne Kriemann

softopening #hydromedia #staedtischegalerie


Dear all,
We are happy to invite you to a unique day trip in the Black Forest!
We offer a  guided Roadtrip by our Ghostly Matters Bus Hosts 
                   A tea ceremony in the forest              
An exhibition with welcome drinks at the former Grand Hotel Waldlust 
Our travel agency Ghostly Matters invites you on a seasonal journey through the vast, ominous landscape of the Black Forest, leading straight into the heart of the former Grand Hotel: Waldlust. 
Here, the open doors exude a unique blend of holiday nostalgia, classism, art, invisible labour and luxury. Come with us to discover the untold stories inscribed in its walls, its furniture, its kitchen, its staff and its guests, where the international and the local have merged.   
Please inscribe here:
Our team will welcome you on July 5th in Freudenstadt for a remarkable visit to the exhibition setting and scenery at Waldlust.

Susanne Kriemann

Dear all, please feel warmly invited to the talk by MICHAEL MARDER! it will take place Tuesday 25th at 4pm in 101! Michael will be online! his talk will be followed by Q&A!

s seiji

Susanne Kriemann

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