#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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bring your photo paper with you Die folgenden Termine dienen als Möglichkeit um im Farblabor eigenständig zu arbeiten.

Susanne Kriemann


hi everyone! are you with us at plenum today? yes? no? let’s see!


Dear all   This - 21.11 - 25.11 - Week Monday 10AM - 4PM (Fotostudio) Aperture. Kamera-Praxis für Anfänger*innen Tuesday 4PM - 6PM (HfG 101) Künstler*innenbücher mit Fotografie Tuesday 5:30PM - 6:30PM (S&D Forum / 101) Sustainable Rendez-Vous - Sustainable Photography AG Tuesday 6:30PM - 8PM (HfG 101) Plenum Special guest: Anne Duk Hee Jordan please bring your works and projects! Open to all! Wednesday 10AM - 1PM (HfG 101) Mining Photography Wednesday - Sunday Exkursion zur Finissage der Biennale von Venedig Thursday 10AM - 12PM (HfG 101) Walking and Seeing. Exkursionen in und um Karlsruhe We will discuss our last trip and give a perspective about further excursions   Best   Nis und Johannes und MK FOTO

Susanne Kriemann

und liebe alle, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die neue Förderrunde 2023/2024 für die Residenzstipendien in den landeseigenen Ateliers an der Cité Internationale des Arts Paris in der Sparte Bildende Kunst ist ausgeschrieben: Ausschreibungen: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg ( Bewerben können sich Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die in Baden-Württemberg leben und arbeiten. Dabei richten sich die Stipendien vorrangig an jüngere Kunstschaffende, die in ihrer künstlerischen Entwicklung noch offen sind. Wir bitten um entsprechende Beachtung und Weiterleitung. Vielen Dank!

Susanne Kriemann

Please see this information! For all fans of transmediale! we could organize an excurion as well ....Dear Susanne Kriemann, We would like to inform you about the student festival passes and student group bookings for the upcoming festival edition of transmediale 2023: a three-day conference programme with evening events and a citywide exhibition. Combining discourse formats and artistic interventions with social conversation and exchange, the 2023 edition of transmediale – a model, a map, a fiction – explores ideas of technological scale, its instrumentalisation, and effect. transmediale 2023 a model, a map, a fiction 1–5 February Akademie der Künste, Berlin and across the city For over thirty years, transmediale creates a space for critical reflection on cultural transformation from a post-digital perspective. At the heart of transmediale’s activities is the annual festival which focuses on a specific theme related to art and digital culture that is reflected through a variety of…

Please see this information! For all fans of transmediale! we could organize an excurion as well ....Dear Susanne Kriemann, We would like to inform you about the student festival passes and student group bookings for the upcoming festival edition of transmediale 2023: a three-day conference programme with evening events and a citywide exhibition. Combining discourse formats and artistic interventions with social conversation and exchange, the 2023 edition of transmediale – a model, a map, a fiction – explores ideas of technological scale, its instrumentalisation, and effect. transmediale 2023 a model, a map, a fiction 1–5 February Akademie der Künste, Berlin and across the city For over thirty years, transmediale creates a space for critical reflection on cultural transformation from a post-digital perspective. At the heart of transmediale’s activities is the annual festival which focuses on a specific theme related to art and digital culture that is reflected through a variety of programmes. Find more information about transmediale 2023↗ Student Festival Passes The student festival passes are aimed at university students in the fields of art, design, media and film studies, and corresponding disciplines to join the transmediale network. The festival provides the framework of workshops, panels, and other participatory formats, where young academics meet leading media artists and activists, designers, hackers, and transdisciplinary researchers. Students can book their festival pass individually or with a group booking with one contact person. Group Bookings For student groups of 10 to 20 persons with their teaching staff (regular ticket), we offer group bookings for transmediale Festival Pass and the Connect Festival Pass with CTM Festival. Please mail the number of required passes and the information for invoicing to Manon Frugier at to place an order. Please note that the quantity of group bookings is limited. We advise to book early to avoid disappointment. Another way to get involved with the festival is volunteering. Volunteers receive a free Festival Pass in return for their help and get an insight into the organisation of an international festival in the heart of Berlin. More information in our Call for Volunteers↗ See you in February, transmediale /team


and does anyone have Igor's mail?

Isabelle Konrad

Dear students, Tommorow, 17.11.2022 from 9 AM until 17.30 there will be the Hearings for the W3 100% life-term professorship of Code & Image (Photography) in the “Großes Studio”. (Candidate names can be seen on the posters hanging around in hfg) Afterwards all students are invited to meet in the Big Studio to make a list of your favorite candidates which i can use for my representative work in the commission. It will be around 17:30/18:00 after the last presentation. Please come to the hearings, ask questions and be participative in choosing the new professors who will shape our lovely HfG with us.  Best regards and see you all tomorrow, Isabelle Konrad

There will be a discussion within the student circle about the hearings after this hearing - please join! In the studio


The photostudio and Darkroom Will be closed for the hearings.

Isabelle Konrad

Reminder again: Tomorrow are the hearings for the film professorship! It will take place from 9-16:30 and afterwards there will be a student meeting to represent your opinion in the commission. It would be important if you were there tomorrow! Alejandra & Boris will announce the time tomorrow when and where the student meeting will be (they take notes with them into the commission meetings)!

Susanne Kriemann

dear all, tomorrow!! Hearings!!! Professorship for MK_Moving Image & Fictional Form!!! Monday, Nov 14, 2022: 09:00 - 16:30, 12:45 - 13:45 Break


This looks interesting:

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Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KNÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KNÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Ziel des vier­tägigen Workshops ist die Entwicklung einer Struktur für neue Tisch- und Regalmodule, die in den Räumlichkeiten der Fotoklasse genutzt werden können. Der Workshop dient dabei als Raum für die experimentelle Grundlage der Entwicklung der zukünftigen Raumgestaltung. Es sollen dabei vor allem die Konstruktionsprinzipien und Gesten der einzelnen Displays untersucht werden um damit neue Gebilde und Charaktere zu inszenieren.

Susanne Kriemann

In den verlassenen Ladenflächen stehen nun die leeren Auslagen, einsame Kleiderständer und verstaubte Vitrinen im flackernden Licht der verbliebenen Tageslichtlampen. Im Seminar „Das Haus voller Geschenke“ – angelehnt an den Karstadt-Werbeslogan von 1989 – setzen wir uns mit den physischen Relikten der letzten Jahre der KARSTADT Ära auseinander. Basierend auf Elementen der ehemaligen Innenarchitektur der KARSTADT-Filiale in Siegen wollen wir die fiktiven und konstruktiven Potenziale von modularen Systeme wie Mittelraumgondeln, Pyramidentischen und Kreuzständern praktisch erforschen.

Susanne Kriemann

WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann 
Seit den 1920er Jahren prägen die KARSTADT-Warenhäuser das Bild deutscher Innenstädte. Von den glanzvollen Einkaufstempeln der Goldenen Zwanziger über die brutalistischen Betonbauten der Nachkriegszeit bis hin zum Leerstand infolge der Insolvenz der letzten Jahre – die Geschichte dieser Kaufhäuser spiegelt den Wandel des urbanen Raums und der Konsumkultur wider.

Susanne Kriemann

Dear Students! Liebe Studierende! I am inviting you all for a special workshop with alumni Moritz Appich and Florian Köbl! Both former pd students will creat a workshop to refurbish 101 into a room fpr students to work in and with mobile furnitures, so 101 als can transform into a project space for now and then! Please let us know if you like to take part in this workshop! The dates are: MARCH 4 to MARCH 7 in Karlsruhe at hfg, in ROOM 101
Hi there! Tonight this wonderful person is giving a talk on Desaster management at our UMBAU event at 7pm - who would not need that input?🛸
Néstor Alfonzo Santamaria is an expert in disaster risk management and has advised on disaster management issues for the European Union, various UN agencies and in several ministries of the UK Government. 
Originally from Venezuela, Nestor has also worked in the wider region on political violence prevention and peacebuilding initiatives, electoral observation, human rights promotion and support to refugees/internally displaced persons.


Today 18.00 next to blau Salon - khinkali tasting, Movie & discussion - join

Susanne Kriemann

Hi all, tonight is the diploma of Nelly Corsten, please feel warmly invited! TV HIFI!


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