#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
Stipendium MuseumkuratoInen für foto FYI - AbsolventInen! https://www.krupp-stiftung.de/stipendienprogramm-museumskuratoren-fuer-fotografie/
Paris photo exkursion vorbesprechung um 10 online - reminder - link in mail bei allen angemeldeten - see You 🌅
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Anyone here who could open up 101 for me? my keys aren't working again and I need my films that are in the room...
🌿📸🌿 First SUSTAINABLE RENDEZ-VOUS 🌿📸🌿 TODAY 17:30 - 19:00, Room 101 "Sustainable Rendez-Vous" (Tuesdays, 17:30-19:00): a monthly meeting to discuss and plan introductory workshops with participating students, to organise research groups, and to discuss and supervise individual photographic projects related to sustainable techniques. These monthly meetings will also be an opportunity to plan together the development of infrastructure for a more sustainable photography practice within the HfG. Newcomer from all departments welcome! See you later 🌱 sustainablephotographyag sustainablerendezvous Cf VVZ description: https://vvz.hfg-karlsruhe.de/v/2022ws/140c2123
Workpresentation 26.10 Wednesday 3 pm 101. All are welcome ! (Poster by Saskia van der Meer)
Susanne Kriemann
Dear MK-FOTO People! yesterday, we started with installing the exhibition architecture of the BookBaufestival! www.bookbaufestival.de which will open its doors next Friday! all students and alumni are invited to join us for a Pecha Kucha on Friday between 2p and 5p! at 5p we will open the doors of the BookBauFestival to all! and on Saturday and Sunday are lots of readings&sharings and round table discussions and a lot of beautiful books to see!!! please come all! looking forward to seeing you there!
(room 103+104)
TONIGHT! 🥳✨ \\\MK Get Together/// 18:30 In Moving Image + Omega Raum, 1st Floor! For all MK to get to know each other, updates about Commissions and Food! Chilli Sin Carne & Drinks! Plus Music Sets!
Hello everyone, how are you? Tomorrow at 5 PM is the opening of our Sound Installation Soft Interference at the botanical garden at the Schlosspark. We would be very happy, if you would come! Cheers, Tina and Ilja
We start 16.30 , sorry … 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🧹🧹🧹🧹
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann