#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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someone knows Leon Stark‘s number?


Dear all, semester started, have a look and write us mail which of the courses u wish to join , here the pdf from last week, all infos as well in vvz. see you!



This Friday !


privat urgent Hey, hat von euch jemand gerade zufällig die GH5S ausgeliehen oder eine andere Kamera (+Stativ) von der HfG Ausleihe oder privat, die ich mir für die Videodokumentation meines Diploms heute Abend (20-22Uhr) ausleihen dürfte? Ein Dankeschön in Form von Essensmarken, Schokolade o.Ä. ist versprochen!

Susanne Kriemann



today !

Susanne Kriemann

Liebe Alle, hier ein Call für eine Research Residency in Berlin... cooler Ort und nette Menschen, die es organisieren:


i am reposting from my friend Wiktoria Wojciechowska : Dear Friends, As you might know, I worked in Ukraine on the project Sparks at the beginning of the war (2014-2016). They wanted us to know their stories; they wanted to be heard. I still have contact with dozens of people who helped me that time. People of Ukraine are not giving up, but they are missing medical supplies and non-lethal military equipments, which need to be managed by humanitarian organisations. This war is the war for the peace in Europe and the world. If we don’t react fast, consequences will hit everyone. I please you to support some of the organisations from this list. They are reliable (and checked by us), you can trust them! I know that many of us are overwhelmed with the amount of informations, and it is difficult to send money to foreign accounts, but the ones here are easy to process for foreigners. Thank you. Wiktoria Provide assistance to combatants by supplyin…

i am reposting from my friend Wiktoria Wojciechowska : Dear Friends, As you might know, I worked in Ukraine on the project Sparks at the beginning of the war (2014-2016). They wanted us to know their stories; they wanted to be heard. I still have contact with dozens of people who helped me that time. People of Ukraine are not giving up, but they are missing medical supplies and non-lethal military equipments, which need to be managed by humanitarian organisations. This war is the war for the peace in Europe and the world. If we don’t react fast, consequences will hit everyone. I please you to support some of the organisations from this list. They are reliable (and checked by us), you can trust them! I know that many of us are overwhelmed with the amount of informations, and it is difficult to send money to foreign accounts, but the ones here are easy to process for foreigners. Thank you. Wiktoria Provide assistance to combatants by supplying non-lethal military equipment and medical aid Army SOS Website: Purpose: Materiel support, primarily tech (radios, drones, datapads, whatnot). OpenEyes Website: Purpose: many different projects, including education, health, and so on. OpenEyes also collects financing for military projects, but supporters can choose a particular project and donate to that project alone. Many successfully funded projects. Website: Purpose: provide the army with necessary supplies, large-scale. Phoenix Wings Website: Purpose: provide clothes and equipments for the soldiers, bulletproof jackets, helmets, medical help. Here, all sort of military equipment: Ukrainian National Bank - Official Account For Army Support In EUR SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK, Frankfurt SWIFT Code: MARKDEFF Account: 5040040066 IBAN DE05504000005040040066 Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany Account: UA843000010000000047330992708 To help civilians in Ukraine and refugees through organisations which are on the ground Vostok SOS, help in evacuation, humanitarian aid and psychosocial support for civilians Polish Humanitarian Action PAH, very active and professional humanitarian organisation, present in Ukraine from the beginning of the conflict Ocalenie Foundation (Rescue Foundation) helps refugees, immigrants and repatriates build a new life in Poland. Polish Medical Mission, collecting medicines, medical equipment, working on the border and on site, they are currently sending many needed materials to Ukraine Red Cross Ukraine, better to donate directly to Ukrainian Red Cross, not the international one People in Need, active help to civilians in the war zone, food and material supplies, repairing bombarded houses


I am not sure of the content itself. Checked the abstract for panel two, I don’t know any of the presenters and photographers. If you’re night person, can give it a try. Cheers!


Hi, just stumble upon a online even held by Arizona school of art talking about some photographers from South Korea. The event is free. It just that, due to the time difference, in half an hour is the last part of this session, and it lasts till very early in the morning.




Speyer too

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Prototypes of Raum voller Geschenke #workshop

Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KNÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KNÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

moritzappich und #florianknöbl have packed stuff for us!!!
WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKnoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Ziel des vier­tägigen Workshops ist die Entwicklung einer Struktur für neue Tisch- und Regalmodule, die in den Räumlichkeiten der Fotoklasse genutzt werden können. Der Workshop dient dabei als Raum für die experimentelle Grundlage der Entwicklung der zukünftigen Raumgestaltung. Es sollen dabei vor allem die Konstruktionsprinzipien und Gesten der einzelnen Displays untersucht werden um damit neue Gebilde und Charaktere zu inszenieren.

Susanne Kriemann

In den verlassenen Ladenflächen stehen nun die leeren Auslagen, einsame Kleiderständer und verstaubte Vitrinen im flackernden Licht der verbliebenen Tageslichtlampen. Im Seminar „Das Haus voller Geschenke“ – angelehnt an den Karstadt-Werbeslogan von 1989 – setzen wir uns mit den physischen Relikten der letzten Jahre der KARSTADT Ära auseinander. Basierend auf Elementen der ehemaligen Innenarchitektur der KARSTADT-Filiale in Siegen wollen wir die fiktiven und konstruktiven Potenziale von modularen Systeme wie Mittelraumgondeln, Pyramidentischen und Kreuzständern praktisch erforschen.

Susanne Kriemann

WORKSHOP MARCH 4th to MARCH 7!  MORITZ APPICH und FLORIAN KÖBL #101 #MoritzAppich #FlorianKoebl #artistic_research.                  Mit Möbeln des ehem Galeria Karstadt, Room 101, Prof Susanne Kriemann 
Seit den 1920er Jahren prägen die KARSTADT-Warenhäuser das Bild deutscher Innenstädte. Von den glanzvollen Einkaufstempeln der Goldenen Zwanziger über die brutalistischen Betonbauten der Nachkriegszeit bis hin zum Leerstand infolge der Insolvenz der letzten Jahre – die Geschichte dieser Kaufhäuser spiegelt den Wandel des urbanen Raums und der Konsumkultur wider.

Susanne Kriemann

Dear Students! Liebe Studierende! I am inviting you all for a special workshop with alumni Moritz Appich and Florian Köbl! Both former pd students will creat a workshop to refurbish 101 into a room fpr students to work in and with mobile furnitures, so 101 als can transform into a project space for now and then! Please let us know if you like to take part in this workshop! The dates are: MARCH 4 to MARCH 7 in Karlsruhe at hfg, in ROOM 101
Hi there! Tonight this wonderful person is giving a talk on Desaster management at our UMBAU event at 7pm - who would not need that input?🛸
Néstor Alfonzo Santamaria is an expert in disaster risk management and has advised on disaster management issues for the European Union, various UN agencies and in several ministries of the UK Government. 
Originally from Venezuela, Nestor has also worked in the wider region on political violence prevention and peacebuilding initiatives, electoral observation, human rights promotion and support to refugees/internally displaced persons.


Today 18.00 next to blau Salon - khinkali tasting, Movie & discussion - join

Susanne Kriemann

Hi all, tonight is the diploma of Nelly Corsten, please feel warmly invited! TV HIFI!
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