#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Susanne Kriemann

Please share!!! we are hiring!


💥💥 Such a wonderful show and opening last night! Thank you for the pictures Karo!




Kannst du mir kurz beim Lieferanten Eingang aufmachen?


Ich komme


Hi, ist jemand an der HfG und könnte helfen aufzubauen / Getränke zu organisieren?

That's my greatest wish 🥺


I am sorry to hear this! I hope you feel better soon and that you can come tonight ❤️

I don't feel very well, I don't know if I will make it


Die Kühlschränke stehen eigentlich immer auf einem Rollbrett drauf also sollte kein Problem sein 👍🏼

super! runter zum lichthof, oder? du brauchst einen wagen für den transport


Ich bin da, wo soll ich ihn denn hinbringen?

Der Asta-Kühlschrank kann heute 14:00 Uhr im Asta-Raum bei Quirin abgeholt werden. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es heute schaffe, könnte es jemand von Euch machen?

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Today 6pm at Lichtbrücke - OMSK SOCIAL CLUB 
As a radical experiment at the intersection of art, politics and life, Omsk Social Club sees itself as an “empathy training camp”.
The collective creates role-playing environments in the context of contemporary art.
Their work aims to induce states that could potentially be a fiction or a yet, unlived reality.
Using traditional methods of Live Action Role Play (LARP) and Real Game Play (RGP) to create these speculative worlds,
Omsk's installations revolve around rave culture, survivalism, consensus rituals, asemic hyper tools, positive trolling and decentralized cryptocurrencies.
Happy if you come by!



Spontaneous Christmas gathering mk now #sozial und durstig #bring your snack



pixeltoolbox #sonyfujicanon #250gms 100gms #glossy Semimatte matte #munken #plotter laser riso 🍳🍝🍚 Risotto

Susanne Kriemann

Today also with Armin Linke and Bernadette Bensaude-Vincennt!! 
10 am!! I know its early :-)

Susanne Kriemann

Dear All, please feel very welcome to the second day of the symposium “ shifting paradigms” today we welcome the amazing chemist/philosopher Bernadette Bensaude Vincent! Please come
Searching for the connections between Christmas market and German museum collection
HfG #DocsKingdomSeminar 2024 - Ways of Listening





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