#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Hello everybody, please come and help take off the posters on the wall in the Lichthof.

I'm in the lichthof

where do we meet?


We need 4-5 People , anyone else ?

me! I can!


Hello, call for helpers! we need to Hang down the posters at lichthof. Who can help to do it today at 13.00?or later? lets do it togheter ! Who can? rundgangpreparation




Hello everyone here is the MK FOTO NEWSLETTER- enjoy!!! :-D


Our Press departament Is looking for talented photo students who would like to document events and Works during Rundgang , there are 5 days of Work: 09.12. 18-21 p.m , 10.12. 12-18 p.m, 11.12. 12-18 p.m, 12.12. 12-18 p.m and 06.01. 11-18 p.m. It s a paid job! Standard skills essential, camera will be provided. Who feel like during all days or at Singular days let me know!


Dear All, we are about to clean 101 and i have request for those who store their Works there to pick it up before wednesday or leave a note whom it belongs and when it will be pick up, all useless unmarked things we will put outside and untill end of the week they will be utilised. 101 Is not a store room, we want to have cosy but concentrated atmosphere there during seminars. Join us for the cleaning action on wednesday afternoon, helpers will be rewarded :)




Great exhibitions in Braunschweig, Hannover and Wolfsburg. Check out the programm!


Très très cool!

Hallo, Susanna Kirschnicks Workshop beginnt heute 13:30 Uhr für die zweite Gruppe

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dear photo people, warm invitation to the opening celebration of our new studio in karlsruhe oststadt 
ther will be music and drinks
art and design
process and final stuff
a room with dia archive work
welcome on saturday evening


Reunion with grandmaster #akinbodeakinbiyi in #dakar he has greetings to all of you



Monday exercises in #middleformat

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #bluetenstaub

Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann




Susanne Kriemann

Good morning, today is the semianr "Artists Books with Photography" it starts at 10 am in 101... looking forward to seeing you.

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #biodesignlab

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #biodesignlab

Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann

Dear all, tomorrow at 10 am the seminar "Dusting. Ecosystems with images and codes" begins. we will convene in room 101 at 10 am. We will begin with a presentation of artists working with dust. We then will set up our working environment... and collect the dust, which we will examine with a microscope at Bio Design Lab... stay tuned... I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Dear we start feminist Photography on Monday 22.4 at 10.00 AM in  101. I will be happy to see you there!
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