#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Die Stiftung Between Bridges von Wolfgang Tillmans lädt uns zu einem Workshop ein: European Culture of Resistance against Fascisms Today’s Europe developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. In a workshop and conference program, young people together with artists, scientists, cultural and educational experts will explore artistic possibilities of fighting fascist ideas as an instrument of realizing (European) community. How can artistic and curatorial practices counter racist thought? Can soil hold a counter-memory? Could an anti-racist and anti-sexist gaming culture benefit a diverse European community? How can human rights education look like? Four thematic workshops for youth and young adults – Arts of Resistance, Communities of Resistance, Digital Resistance, Education of Resistance – revolve around these questions. Workshop participants can also attend a presentation by students from St. Pölten, Zagreb, Berlin and Bolzano: They will speak about how they created a…

Die Stiftung Between Bridges von Wolfgang Tillmans lädt uns zu einem Workshop ein: European Culture of Resistance against Fascisms Today’s Europe developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. In a workshop and conference program, young people together with artists, scientists, cultural and educational experts will explore artistic possibilities of fighting fascist ideas as an instrument of realizing (European) community. How can artistic and curatorial practices counter racist thought? Can soil hold a counter-memory? Could an anti-racist and anti-sexist gaming culture benefit a diverse European community? How can human rights education look like? Four thematic workshops for youth and young adults – Arts of Resistance, Communities of Resistance, Digital Resistance, Education of Resistance – revolve around these questions. Workshop participants can also attend a presentation by students from St. Pölten, Zagreb, Berlin and Bolzano: They will speak about how they created art works based on resistance songs, poems, graffiti from 1939 to 1945 – and what can be learned from historic resistance fighters for the here and now. In a concluding public lecture, Jonathan Horowitz will share insights on his artistic and curatorial work. Followed by a conversation with the artist and photographer Wolfgang Tillmans, he will investigate the potential art offers to fight racism and anti-Semitism. Workshops with Barbara Staudinger & Sebastian Cichocki (Arts of Resistance); Galia Bar-Or & Milica Tomic (Communities of Resistance); Total Refusal: Digital Disarmament Movement & Keinen Pixel den Faschisten (Digital Resistance); Jean-Philippe Restoueix, Roman Fröhlich, Katja Pratschke & Scott Solder (Education of Resistance) In cooperation with Foundation Between Bridges, HASENHERZ Vienna, Foundation wannseeforum Berlin and University of Applied Arts Vienna


Check out the Virtual Women Filmmakers Festival at SAAM: Her History Lessons women_filmmakers

Susanne Kriemann

An alle, die sich mit diesem Thema beschäftigen... wir könnten dies bestellen... kunsthalle_mannheim terrorismus


Which forest will you be visiting? rhona_mühlbach aba walking

Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Hi you all, Saturday we organize a salon with Rhona Mühlbach and Air Berlin Alexanderplatz... it is a walk with telegram-audio chat... check it out.. I think this will be really cool!


💥 Empfehlung für eine talk meiner Kollege aus Polen , 25.2 18 Uhr (Berlin time) via zoom Photography as social practice


Zum aktuellen Thema Politisierung der Kunst (Hochschule), wird ab heute Abend ‚SCHOOL OF RESISTANCE’ von der Akademie der Künste Berlin gestreamt. Verschiedene Filme von Milo Rau (Regisseur & Aktivist, Galionsfigur des Doku-Theaters) werden in den nächsten Tagen online vorgeführt und diskutiert. Worum es geht? => „ästhetische Praktiken des Widerstands. Aktivist*innen und Künstler*innen diskutieren gemeinsam über Kunst als transformatorische, realitätsschaffende Praxis.“


Thank you!


hi : ) during the last months, as part of the "Dokumentarfotografie Seminar", i took those photos using a DIY pinhole camera. the original goal of this was to do very long exposures, but it turned out to be hard to get reasonable photos with the setup at all, so i experimented with various exposure times and used gray filters (also DIY, made of plastic). I also built a kind of virtual exhibition at , feel free to visit (use W,A,S,D to move the camera and your mouse to turn around) : ) cameraobscura timeexposure philipp_beisel


Thanks for the initiative! I'd like to follow your posting with sth. I stumbled upon today talking and researching about the life and death of Libanese publisher, filmmaker and political activist Lokman Slim, who was murdered last week in Lebanon. Slim was especially engaged in the reappraisal and commemoration of Lebanese history and the civil war. In this respect I had – after years – again a look into Lebanese artist Walid Raad's work and The Atlas Group, who has found artistic ways of dealing with and talking about Lebanese civil war. I remember how much it struck me seeing his works for the first time, especially those found in the following page of The Atlas Group. I can highly recommend to have a look at the work.

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dear photo people, warm invitation to the opening celebration of our new studio in karlsruhe oststadt 
ther will be music and drinks
art and design
process and final stuff
a room with dia archive work
welcome on saturday evening


Reunion with grandmaster #akinbodeakinbiyi in #dakar he has greetings to all of you



Monday exercises in #middleformat

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #bluetenstaub

Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann




Susanne Kriemann

Good morning, today is the semianr "Artists Books with Photography" it starts at 10 am in 101... looking forward to seeing you.

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #biodesignlab

Susanne Kriemann

dusting #biodesignlab

Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann


Susanne Kriemann

Dear all, tomorrow at 10 am the seminar "Dusting. Ecosystems with images and codes" begins. we will convene in room 101 at 10 am. We will begin with a presentation of artists working with dust. We then will set up our working environment... and collect the dust, which we will examine with a microscope at Bio Design Lab... stay tuned... I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Dear we start feminist Photography on Monday 22.4 at 10.00 AM in  101. I will be happy to see you there!
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