#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Thank you!


hi : ) during the last months, as part of the "Dokumentarfotografie Seminar", i took those photos using a DIY pinhole camera. the original goal of this was to do very long exposures, but it turned out to be hard to get reasonable photos with the setup at all, so i experimented with various exposure times and used gray filters (also DIY, made of plastic). I also built a kind of virtual exhibition at , feel free to visit (use W,A,S,D to move the camera and your mouse to turn around) : ) cameraobscura timeexposure philipp_beisel


Thanks for the initiative! I'd like to follow your posting with sth. I stumbled upon today talking and researching about the life and death of Libanese publisher, filmmaker and political activist Lokman Slim, who was murdered last week in Lebanon. Slim was especially engaged in the reappraisal and commemoration of Lebanese history and the civil war. In this respect I had – after years – again a look into Lebanese artist Walid Raad's work and The Atlas Group, who has found artistic ways of dealing with and talking about Lebanese civil war. I remember how much it struck me seeing his works for the first time, especially those found in the following page of The Atlas Group. I can highly recommend to have a look at the work.


Please join us in meeting Carolina Poliakowa, this Saturday 11am-1pm. Let us know, if you are interested, and we send you the link!


Dearest all, This Saturday we will meet Carolina Poliakowa to talk about digital spaces and the bridges between mediums Carolina Poliakowa on Behance Photographer, Videomaker, Gif-maker [Bild] Here she is, please join Carolina Poliakowa on Behance Photographer, Videomaker, Gif-maker [Bild]

Susanne Kriemann

please for those who are interested!

Susanne Kriemann

dear MK Foto people, here is a link to a platform which provides with very interesting discourse about photography today!


Susanne Kriemann



wow cool👍👍


Wow! 😲😁

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Dear we start feminist Photography on Monday 22.4 at 10.00 AM in  101. I will be happy to see you there!




summerterm24 #susannekriemann




Summerterm24 #karolinasobel

Susanne Kriemann

marywarnermarien #historyofphotography

Susanne Kriemann

excursiontovienna 24.04. - 26.04.2024

Susanne Kriemann

opening #summersemester2024

Susanne Kriemann


Nächste Woche von Montag bis Freitag (22-26. April, jeweils 10-17 Uhr) findet unter der Leitung von Eveline Kulik eine Einführung in die Schwarz-Weiß Dunkelkammer statt. Bis morgen um 18 Uhr könnt ihr euch dazu per Mail unter anmelden. Schickt bei der Anmeldungs-Mail auch eure Telefonnummer mit und nennt euren Fachbereich. Es gibt 6 Plätze. Studierende, die an ihrem Diplom oder Vordiplom arbeiten werden bevorzugt. Erwähnt dies auch in der Mail.
Für den Workshop solltet ihr entwickelte Schwarz-Weiß Negative – am besten größere Negative, wie 6x6 oder 5x4, aber auch 35mm - mitbringen.
Ihr erlernt dabei die Grundlagen für die Arbeit im Fotolabor und werdet in der Woche ein Laborbuch anlegen. Ihr erhaltet für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an dem Workshop einen Grundlagennachweis.
Meldet euch nur, wenn ihr an allen 5 Tagen Zeit habt.




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